Thursday 27th – Squeezing one more flying day out of February

We had a really good day yesterday with plenty of sun and some good thermals. 

The field was very wet after the rain so we decided to just take one K21 to the launch point and land on the cross track, this meant we only had to go over the ground next to the peri-track twice, once in the morning and again after we finished.

We went most of the way on the peri-track only moving onto the grass opposite the fence. This worked very well and meant we flew all day without any problems as the wind was quite a strong N.N.W. which was a perfect direction for landing. We only took one K21 as the grass next to the cross-track was very wet and soft and we did not want to land on it, if we had taken 2 over then that would have been a possibility especially later on when the day became thermic.

I set a limit of 20 mins for any one flight so everyone could have a go, the forecast was for the wind to increase during the day which it did, by 3.30pm it was very turbulent on the approach and with a wind of 30mph we called it a day. We only did 10 launches because we were quite late starting and an early finish but everyone flew who wanted to and a couple of members managed 2 flights.

Everyone flew with an instructor because of the strength of the wind and because of the restrictions on the landing area. We all managed fine, with only one fight landing on the grass, it did leave a rut but we did fill it in with feet and the Mule and it was only a few feet from the cross-track.

The flying was very good for this time of the year and the very wet ground with at least 5 flights gaining height from launch.We were only able to fly because of the wind direction which worked very well for us.

Statistics below…………………….
Total Launches……………..10.
Longest Flight……………….20 mins.  Well done to Dave M. 
There were several other flight of note, 19 min N. J., 15 min., A.B.  14 min  D.Y. and 13 min  D. H.
Average Flight Time……….12 mins.
Total Flight Time……………..2 hrs. 03 mins.

Many thanks to everyone who turned up with what looked like a poor day first thing in the morning (rain, sleet, mist) and also getting set up.

Special thanks to David S. who did not want to fly but spent all day on the winch.

Steve P.

Thermal Thursday 6/2/20

We were really lucky with the weather today.

When we arrived there was fog on the ground and we could not see the other side of the field, however it very quickly disappeared and left us with virtually wall to wall sunshine.

Our current ‘home’ on the southern stub.

With a light southerly wind we were only getting about 1100 or 1200 ft on the launches but it got better and better as the day went on until around 1.30pm it became thermic and there were 3 really good flights of up to 44 mins. It was certainly the best day of the year so far with 39 launches. Everyone flew who wanted to and several members flew 3 times.A brilliant day and many thanks to Andy who was duty instructor..Statistics below……………

  • Total Launches…………39
  • Longest Flight………….44 mins. Very well done to Dave J. in the Junior.

Other notable flights were 19mins in the K21 by Barry M. and 18 mins by Andy B. in the K13. Average Flight Time…7 mins but that did included several S.C.B’s 

Total Flight Time………4 hrs 53mins. 

Steve P. 

Midweek Soaring – 7/3/18

We were lucky again and had a really good day with plenty of sunshine and some good flying for the time of year. The wind was around 10kts mostly from due west but later in the afternoon it did go round to south west and also became much lighter but it was never a problem. Showers were forecast but we were lucky and only had one and that was in the afternoon and it only lasted about 20mins, just enough time for a cup of tea. The glider retrieve was a little long winded but it worked well and we were on single cable all day.

Everybody flew and several had 2 or 3 flights. Dave C. had 47mins in the morning in the Junior and got to 3500′ and then Dave M. had another great flight of 63mins later in the afternoon, also in the Junior. Both came back to give others a go so the flights could both have been longer.

A good day and well worth the effort. Statistics are,

Total Launches………………26
Longest Flights………………63 min and 47 min well done to both of them.
Average Flight Time……….13 min
Total Flight Time………………5hr. 50min.

Steve P.

Flying Report 10/11/17

Yesterday was just as predicted with wall to wall sunshine, it was a little cold first thing but soon warmed up to a reasonable temperature. The cloud did increase around lunch time but quickly dispersed to give us a clear afternoon. We had a busy day with all 3 two seaters working for most of the time. A special thanks to Allan W. who stepped in at short notice to help out with instructing as we were down to one instructor before Allan agreed to help out. We certainly made good use of him!

Well done to Derek H. who was cleared to fly the K21 solo and then proceeded to have the longest flight of the day in it. No mean feat in very light conditions. It stayed dry all day but we finally had to stop flying when the canopies started to mist up.

A really good turnout meant all the Mince Pies (sorry but Tesco and Sainsbury’s had sold out of Doughnuts) went early on and every one who wanted too flew. And finally many thanks to Charlie who brought down one of his excellent curries. He has promised to bring down a vegetable one next time, this will be great as some of our members are vegetarian so cannot enjoy the usual ones.

Statistics are……….

Total Launches……………………….32
Total Flight Time………………………4 hrs. 02mins.
Longest Flight…………………………17mins. Well done to Derek in the K21, he was closely followed by David S in the Junior and Nigel M. in C.B.W. well done to them all.
Average Flight Time………………….7 mins. This included several S.C.B.s.

Steve P.

Flying Report 31/10/17

We had a great day Tuesday with an excellent turnout. The weather was kind to us with a good south westerly breeze which gave us some good launches to 1600ft. The sun shone for most of the day but we did have quite a lot of cloud from time to time but it did not stop us flying. It also stayed dry all day but by the middle of the afternoon it did get a bit misty which meant an early end to a successful day. There were 19 on the flying list by time we had the briefing and several more came after that so all the Doughnuts went very quickly,

Many thanks to both Jeff G. and Geof G. who both arrived early to mend the puncture on CBW.. This meant we had all 3 x 2 seaters for most of the day and we made very good use of them.

Statistics below,

Total Launches……………….35.

Longest Flight…………………11 mins, Excluding the Falke times.

Total Flight Time……………….4hrs. 22mins. Excluding the Falke times. The Falke flew twice.

Average Flight Time…………..7mins.

Steve P.

Flying Report 24/2/17 – Doughnuts and Curry

We had a great day yesterday that turned out much better than expected. We broke the record for the longest flight of the year twice and there were lots of long flights as well.

The day started well with plenty of sun and a brisk breeze from almost due west, the field was in good condition after the strong wind from the previous two days with only a couple of wet patches which were easy to miss. We started flying at 10-44am and at 10-55 Allan W. launched in the Junior and it soon became obvious it was thermic as we watched him climb away. Despite Allan’s best efforts he has still not learned to fly straight and level as he spent most of his time upside down.! Ben was keen to get away as we watched Allan climb and after a short delay we followed him and flew straight into a 4 kt. thermal which took us to 2800′ (thanks Allan). From then on it just got better and it was thermic until 15-30pm. and at least one flight got to 3900′

We stopped flying at 16-44.

No rain and plenty of sun helped to make it a great day and when it did cloud over for half an hour at around 1pm Charlie’s Curry was ready and we all enjoyed that and then the sun came out again, perfect timing. Many thanks to Charlie for probably his best Curry yet.

Statistics below…………………

Total Launches…………………….32……..(We still have some way to go to beat the 64 launches last Sunday but the conditions were better.)

Longest Flight……………………..43mins in the K21, very well done to Jeff G. and Geoff G. and a new record to beat.

Second longest…………………..35mins…..also well done to Dave Y. in the Junior. There was another flight of 31min and several in the 20’s. V.G. Effort.

Total Glider Flight Time………..7hrs.

Glider Average Time………….13mins.

Another great day.

Steve P.

Flying report 10/1/17

We had a great day today with the weather getting better and better as the day went on.  We tried to make an early start as we thought it may be a short day, however the rain we expected at 2pm did not arrive until 3-30pm and even then it was very light.
The day started well with a good high cloudbase and launches to 1800′ – 1900′. a little bit of sun and bits of blue sky. It did however look misty a long way out to the West and we thought this may be a sign of rain later.
By 12 noon it was full sun and plenty of blue sky and even the temperature which was cold first thing had gone up to 9 or 10*c and felt quite pleasant, as long as you were well wrapped up.
We did the first two launches with the Skylaunch and then moved over to Doris, she gave us very good launches all day to around 1700′ – 1800′. As the wind had dropped slightly during the morning this was very acceptable. We had a few small delays while the winch team sorted out a few problems but given that Doris had not been used for many months it was only to be expected. We now have several members who are current on her again!! Thanks to David S.
A little rain at 15-30 finally stopped play but everyone who wanted to fly had, with several members having a couple of flights each. Overall a great day, many thanks to all those who arrived really early to get all the kit out so we could make an early start. It really was well worth the effort.
Total Launches………………….21.
Total Flight Time……………….2hrs  32min.
Average Flight Time…………7mins.  This included a few aerobatic flights which were of course short.
Longest Flight…………………10mins. Very well done to….David C,  Lance P.( with Adrian F),  Roger H., and last but not least Dave G.
And finally apologies to all who came today cos I forgot the Doughnuts, at least I have a good excuse, must try harder next week !!!
Steve P.

Winter at SoAGC – Wednesday 2nd Nov 2016

We had a great day on Wednesday for the start of the winter season, Wall to wall sunshine, dry all day and a reasonable breeze. It was just a bit soarable for an hour or so. It really felt quite warm in the afternoon sunshine.

We started off outside the clubhouse but because the wind increased a little and went a bit more north than we hoped we finally had to move over to the south stub.

This gave us better launches and meant we could land directly into wind. There was a good turnout and everyone had a good day.

John G. finally managed his second flight in the Junior after a very frustrating couple of weeks when it was in the workshop for it’s ARC.

Apologies to everyone for the lack of Doughnuts, apart from not being able to drive for the next few weeks we had the gas man booked for yesterday but the gas man was late so I was not able to get down until the middle of the afternoon. Meant to bring them for lunch, must try harder next week !!!

So to the statistics,

Total Launches……………26

Total Flight Time………….3hr. 42mins.

Longest Flight……………..17mins. Very well done to John H. in the Junior. Saved my bacon by showing it was thermic.

Well done also to Lance P. and John G. who had good flights in HSM and the Junior respectively.

Thanks also to Tony for running a great day and sending everyone home a happy bunny.

Steve P.

Flying report 31/3/16 End of Winter Flying

What a great day to finish the winter season with! It was pretty well as the forecast predicted with the thermals starting at around 10-30 and getting stronger as the day went on. Perhaps not quite as good as we thought but still a very good day.

Most members had good long flights but occasionally you could launch at just the wrong time and you were back on the ground a few minutes later but if you took another launch straight after, you usually got away. The conditions changed that quickly. The wind was a little more north than we hoped it would be so we were limited to around 1200′ which was usually enough but not always.

It was certainly the best day of the year so far with some very long flight times, total launches and hours flown. Mike and Barry both set off on long tasks, I believe Mike got around in his LS10 but in the end Barry with Keith in the Duo Discus had to use his Iron Topsail to get home. Congratulations to Jesal P. who successfully converted to the Junior and then showed us all how it was done by staying up for 52 mins, then making a perfect landing. I am sure that Nick is finally a happy man after getting his Dart 17R back on line after it had not flown for nearly 18 months. Whatever was done to it certainly worked as he had the longest Non-Turbo Flight of the day with 2hrs 10mins. Life in the old dog yet me-thinks ! (Now is that the glider or Nick ?).

So to the statistics which are impressive……………..

Total Launches…………….39.

Total Flight Time………….26hrs. 56mins.

Longest Flights (with out assistance)……. 4hrs. 26mins and 2hrs 10mins. Well done to Mike and Nick.

Longest Flight…………….4hrs. 58mins……Well done to Barry and Keith at least for their perseverance.

Average Flight Time………41mins.

Great day, great fights, great fun, which is really all that matters and most of all thanks to all the members who have helped to make the winter flying, which at times was in very difficult conditions, such a success.

Steve P.

Flying report 7/3/16

Monday did turn out to be the best day of the year so far. We had wall to wall sunshine and some fantastic thermals almost from the start of flying. We were a little late with the first launch but it did not matter as that showed that it was starting to work and by the third launch it really was stonking.

The cloud base was initially around 3000′ but quickly rose to 4500′ and several people were able to see how cold it was at cloudbase. We had set a limit of 40 – 45 mins on each flight and many people were able to easily achieve that time, it really was that good.

We launched from the south stub as the wind was northerly and we were getting around 1400′ on the launch, which was usually enough to find the lift. There were a few who launched at just the wrong time but those of them who took another launch straight afterwards were usually able to have a great flight.

We only took the 3 two seaters to the launch point and they were kept very busy all day, many thanks to Allan and Tony who came down to help out, they were also kept busy all day.

Apologies to all for no Doughnuts but as it was such short notice I just did not have time to get them and a special thanks to John H. who arrived just after 8am to make up some new brown strops as we had none on the day before, thanks John. His real reward came as he had the best flight of the day in the K21.

Sorry to all those who could not make it as it was such short notice but it really was the best day this week (year,so far) and no matter what happens later in the week the field is going to be wet again after tomorrows rain.

Amazing statistics are……………….

Total Launches………………….22

Longest Flight……………………56 mins, will let you off John because of your work on the strops.

Total Flight Time……………….8 hr. 27m min.

Average Flight Time…………..24 mins, brilliant !

Steve P.