We had a really good day yesterday with plenty of sun and some good thermals.
The field was very wet after the rain so we decided to just take one K21 to the launch point and land on the cross track, this meant we only had to go over the ground next to the peri-track twice, once in the morning and again after we finished.
We went most of the way on the peri-track only moving onto the grass opposite the fence. This worked very well and meant we flew all day without any problems as the wind was quite a strong N.N.W. which was a perfect direction for landing. We only took one K21 as the grass next to the cross-track was very wet and soft and we did not want to land on it, if we had taken 2 over then that would have been a possibility especially later on when the day became thermic.
I set a limit of 20 mins for any one flight so everyone could have a go, the forecast was for the wind to increase during the day which it did, by 3.30pm it was very turbulent on the approach and with a wind of 30mph we called it a day. We only did 10 launches because we were quite late starting and an early finish but everyone flew who wanted to and a couple of members managed 2 flights.

Everyone flew with an instructor because of the strength of the wind and because of the restrictions on the landing area. We all managed fine, with only one fight landing on the grass, it did leave a rut but we did fill it in with feet and the Mule and it was only a few feet from the cross-track.
The flying was very good for this time of the year and the very wet ground with at least 5 flights gaining height from launch.We were only able to fly because of the wind direction which worked very well for us.
Statistics below…………………….
Total Launches……………..10.
Longest Flight……………….20 mins. Well done to Dave M.
There were several other flight of note, 19 min N. J., 15 min., A.B. 14 min D.Y. and 13 min D. H.
Average Flight Time……….12 mins.
Total Flight Time……………..2 hrs. 03 mins.
Many thanks to everyone who turned up with what looked like a poor day first thing in the morning (rain, sleet, mist) and also getting set up.
Special thanks to David S. who did not want to fly but spent all day on the winch.
Steve P.