We encourage youngsters to come and experience gliding. However, safety is our primary concern, and there are some youngsters who will not be able to fly with us. If you would like to bring a youngster along for a flight with us, or are thinking of buying a voucher for a youngster, these are our guidelines:
- We will fly young people from 13 years of age subject to them satisfying our criteria regarding weight, height, and maturity. In addition, the young person must be accompanied by their parent or guardian who must remain on site whilst the youngster is on site or flying.
- The Club operates a Young Persons Protection Policy.
- For the purpose of any Trial Lesson we undertake, the individual concerned becomes a temporary 28day member of the Club. Young people are treated the same. Should a young person wish to avail themselves of the privileges 28 day memberships affords, they may only do so again subject to satisfying the above conditions of weight, height, maturity, and being accompanied.
- These are the minimum criteria which must be satisfied:
- Height, standing – 4′ 9″, 1m45
- Weight – 84lb, 38kg
- Maturity – Normal maturity, normal behaviour, normal intelligence, can be expected to understand and act on verbal instruction
- Young people will only be accepted into the Club as full members upon reaching 13 years of age. From 16 we will not normally insist on the parent or guardian being present but we must have their express approval.
In order to avoid disappointment, we ask you not to promise things to a youngster that the Club may be unable to honour. For example, it’s better for all concerned to bring them along and talk to one of our instructors, rather than to buy them a Voucher and then discover that they’ll have to wait another year before they can use it because of their size, age or some other reason.