We were very lucky today in not having any fog at the club this morning. It was down to 50mtrs. in places not many miles away. We had pretty well clear sunshine all day with some very interesting cloud in the morning. There was a large bank of cloud half way to Alcester with a lot of low level scud drifting over the club field. It was not much of a problem with most people only having to wait a couple of minutes for it to drift away. The inpatient ones (mentioning no names Pete the Meat) had to release at 700′ !
By early afternoon it had mostly gone only to be replaced with the canopies starting to get a bit misty.
- Before the last launch
- The last launch of the day
- Last landing of the day
Everyone flew who wanted to with several managing 2 or 3 flights. Unfortunately the canopy misting finally won and we stopped flying around 3-30pm.
Total Launches……………26
Longest Flights………………8min. Well done to Vic A (2 x 8) Tony M and a Flying Visit from Ken M.
Average Flight Time…………6min.
Total Flight Time ………..2hr. 36min.
All in all a really good day, hopefully we will fly tomorrow so it’s fingers crossed for that especially as Saturday is looking very poor.
See you soon, Steve P.