We got more than it said on the tin on Wednesday. We had a great day again with just about wall to wall sunshine which was much better than expected.
It certainly felt like the first day of spring and for a couple of hours we did not need our coats as it was really warm. By 12 noon it was starting to pop with a couple of thermic flights of 14 and 16mins, soon after it was excellent with good thermals to about 2500′ and over quite a large area. We had several flights of over half an hour with the only reason to land being to give other members a chance to experience the best day of the year so far.
By 2-15pm the best of the thermals were over but we had a great 2 hours flying and carried on flying until 5pm when we had the last flight of the day with just a few drops of light drizzle on the canopy, perfect timing.
A great day with no problems, lets hope it is the sign of many more to come. Allan put in an appearance which was good to see and I can confirm he has not lost any of his skills !
We had all 5 gliders out and they were all kept pretty busy all day. Many thanks to everyone who helped make it a very good day.
Total Launches……………….36
Longest Flight……………….41 min. All those who had long flights landed to give others a chance so no prises for longest flight but well done to Alan B., Bob C. and Steve C., who all worked really hard to have excellent long flights.
Total Flight Time…………….6 hr. 54 min.
Steve P.
Editors note: Special thanks to Steve C for the air to air photo!