We had a good turn out with around 18 members on the flying list at 10am. unfortunately the sun did not break through so we were stuck with a 900′ cloud base all day. However we did not waste the day, we spent the time practicing cable breaks and other low level exercises. It was a good day to try these things, we made best use of what we had..
We flew all day and both instructors did plenty of walking from parts of the field they had probably not seen for some time. Many thanks to Martyn D. and Allan for their patience and help. They turned what looked like a miserable day into one we all enjoyed and hopefully we all learned something.
O.K. so we did………..
21 Launches or simulated failed launches or simulated cable breaks etc. etc.
Best flights, Ken M. with Allan and Derek H. with the amazing time of 4 mins. each. However Martyn and I managed 2 x 4min flights so I think that makes us the winners !
Average flight time 2 mins.
Total flight time 55mins.
Statistically not very impressive but we all had a good day and had fun (that’s the whole idea). We made the best of a poor day.
Allan is back on duty Thursday which is now looking much better, sun, sea and sand ? well we should get some sun at least.
See you soon, Steve P.