Yesterday certainly was “Super Tuesday” and nothing to do with the American Elections. We got exactly what it said on the tin, brilliant day with good thermals from about 11-30 until 3pm. A gentle wind from the N.W. gave us reasonable launches to around 1400′. It did back to the S.W. later as predicted but stayed around 5-8kts.
Lots of private gliders out, most for the first time this year. It was nice to see gaggles of 3 or 4 gliders at a time sharing the same lift. We had a really good turn out with well over 20 members on the flying list. We even had a trial lesson in the afternoon. Every club glider flew (except the K21 which is still off-line). It was a really busy day and I think Allan will need a couple of days R and R. to be ready for next Tuesday. Many thanks to Allan, Nick and Mark who finally managed to get everyone flown.
The Skylark was also out for the first time this year, so it was good to see that Vic still has lots of friends.
O.K. now to the “Brilliant” details,
50 Launches.
Best flight, Phil Pickett in his 24. with a time of 2hrs. 1min.
Best Runners up were Pete Merritt in his loverly K6 with 1hr. 38min. Jonty with 1hr. 17min in the K8. Nick J. in the Dart 1hr. 16min and finally Bob H. also in the Dart, 1hr. 04min.
There were plenty of other long flights but those were the ones of over an hour.
Average flight time was over 20mins.
See you soon, Steve P.