What a change from last week and even yesterday today was. We got exactly what it said on the tin. A good westerly breeze from early on that got a little stronger as the day went on. It was thermic from 10-30am and by 12-30 several people were having flights to well over 4000′. It was a shame that it was such short notice as several regular members were absent so we did not have a large turnout however most of those who did turn up had a brilliant day with some memorable flights, there were about 15 members on the flying list and 6 of those flew their own ships.
Details as follows:
24 launches
Best flight was 3hrs. 9min by Phil Pickett in his beautiful ASW24.
Average flight time, sorry forgot to look but it would have been good.
Lots of long flights , Nick J. 1hr. 55min in the Dart (eat yer heart out Bob), Phil Pain 1hr 31min in the Vega, Humphrey 1hr. 19min and Pete Merrit 1hr. 05min in their K6, and last but not least Jonty with an hour in the K18. Lots of other members had good flights with Allan to heights they had probably not been to before.
See you soon, Steve P.