Tuesday 17th January 2012

We had a good turnout today with about 15 members on the flying list. It was a very quiet day with a  gentle S.S.W. breeze. Visibility was poor all day and canopy misting finally put paid to flying a little earlier than we wanted. Appologies to George who missed out on his 4th. (free) flight . If he had been a bit quicker with his eventualities he may just have got it, hey ho some you win, but in the end better safe than sorry.

Congrarulations to John H who went solo in the Junior, only problem is he is going to want it out every day now !  It WILL cost you John !

Finally the grim statistics,

Total Launches.   30
Longest Flights, (we use the term “longest” very loosely here)  Honours go to Humph, Roger and Pete (the Meat) with a mighty 8mins each !!
Average Flight time 6mins.
Total Flight Time  3hrs. 4mins.

A good time was had by all and in the end it was not as cold as we expected.
Thanks again to Alan, I don’t think we had to hot berth him today but he still worked very hard all day.

See you soon,  Steve.

Busy Tuesday 10th Jan

We were very lucky with the weather today, it was much better than we expected with sunshine for most of the day. The cloud base stayed around 17 – 1800′ but with plenty of gaps it was never a problem for very long. We had a brilliant day with most of the Gliders being used non-stop. The launches were very good as predicted with cloud base easily attainable.

Total Launches  45
Longest Flight    14mins. by David (nice to see you back) Clark.
Total Flight time 5hr. 26mins.
Average Flight Time  8mins.

Many thanks to Alan who we “Hot Berthed” for most of the day and to Nick J. for flying all the members that Alan could not, it meant several members were able to take advantage of the “Buy 3 get 1 free” winter offer. Good for them and good for the club. Without both of their hard work it would not have been possible.

Tuesday 10th Jan Doughnuts

Hi Everybody, Tuesday is still looking ok so we will be open tomorrow.  Wind as forecast, a nice 10 – 15mph S.W. so we should get good launches. It will not be cold for this time of year and we will get some sunshine.

All in all it should be a good day. The field is still remarkably dry and in good condition.

As always Tea, coffee and Doughnuts on but bring your own food for lunch.

Thursday is also looking good with perhaps a tad more wind but still very flyable.

See you there,  Steve P.