We had a great day today after a slow (but expected) start. We had a glimmer of blue sky at 9am and the sky quickly cleared to clear blue with a few cumulus dotted about. It stayed like this for the rest of the day with no showers.
We started flying at around 11am. with a brisk S.W. breeze giving us launches to around 1800 – 1900ft. It was thermic from the start although difficult to centre in because of the wind. We kept both of the 2 seaters very busy all day with the K18 doing duty as the single seater.
Considering the strength of the wind we had some very good flights in challenging conditions with the wind gusting up to about 25kts. One flight of particular note was by new member Daniel F. who managed 20mins on the second flight of the day and just to prove it was not a one off managed another good flight in the afternoon. Well done to him. All this after only 8 previous flights and he did the take off and landing !!!!
We had about 20 members on the flying list and everyone flew. Overall a very good day that I think everyone enjoyed, many thanks to Allan who again worked very hard all day. No problems, just a great day.
Statistics are as follows,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Total Launches……,,,…….24.
Total Flight Time………….4hrs. 54min.
Longest Flight……………..32min…….Well done to Bob H. in the K18 but closely followed by Phil P (and Bob) in the K21 and in 3rd, place Daniel F. with 20mins.
lots of other flights well into double figures.
Average flight time………12mins. This included a couple of cable breaks by the K21.
Steve P.