We had a really good day yesterday and the weather was even better than expected, sunshine all morning and most of the afternoon, great thermals from early on that lasted well into the afternoon, high cloudbase and excellent visibility. It was a bit cold in the breeze but it was a small price to pay for such a great days flying. The wind although fresh did not get too strong and we were able to fly both of the two seaters and 2 of the single seaters all day.
There were lots of long flights and it was nice to see the K6e out for it’s first flight of the year. Steve F. also managed to have the longest flight of the day in it.
We had put a 30 min. max. flight time on the club gliders as it was such a good day and there were a lot of members on site who all wanted to fly. Most members respected this and landed close to the 30min. limit.
Many thanks to Tony for running the day, it was probably the best flying day of the year so far. The thermals were so strong that at times we needed the airbrakes out to get back on the ground. Long cloud streets all the way to Alcester. It took a long time to get there but getting back was much quicker !!!
It was a Great Day, and thanks to everyone who helped to make it one, a lot of members turned up early and so we were able to make an early start to make best use of the conditions. The Falke flew for nearly 2 hours as well but I have removed those flights and times from the statistics.
Statistics are………………
Total Glider Launches……..24.
Longest Flight…………………1hr. 8min. Well done to Steve F. and the K6e.
Total Flight Time……………..7hrs. 13min. This includes several S.C.B.’s.
Average Flight Time……….18mins.
Steve P.