Monday turned out to be a very good day considering the forecast and was certainly the best day of the week for flying. We did not get quite the sunshine in the morning that we hoped for but it did shine all day albeit with a lot of thin high cloud. We flew from the stub runway on the South side with no problems and the field dried out very quickly with the good N.W. breeze and weak sun.
We were down a little on numbers probably because of the short notice but I know a couple of our regulars are currently enjoying warmer climates than ours. As we were down on one of the two seaters it worked out very well as there were several members who needed instruction and others check flights. We flew from about 10-30am until almost 5pm when it was getting dark, so we made best use of the day and gliders. Everyone flew but a couple of the newer members missed out on the “buy 3 get one free” winter offer which was a shame, hopefully C.B.W. will be back on line very soon.
There were about 14 members on the flying list and it would have been difficult if any more had come with the limited availability of 2 seaters.
Statistics are below……………
Total Launches……………..24
Total Flight Time…………..3 hrs. 23 mins.
Longest Flight(s)…………..13mins. Well done to John H. in the K21, David C. in the K18 and that really nice young man[sic] who modesty stops me from
naming, also in the k18. Credit also to Phil P who tried so hard and managed 12 mins.
Average Flight Time……….8 mins.
Overall a very good day and nice to get back to (nearly) midweek flying after 2 missed weeks.
Steve P.