We finally got exactly what it said on the tin today. It was a slow start as a couple of members phoned in to ask if it was worth coming over and as we were at the far end it was probably near to 11am for the first flight. The wind was blowing a steady 18 – 20 kts with higher gusts so we only flew 2 up in two K13’s.
Eleven members were on the flying list and everyone flew at least once. It was thermic and for the lucky (skillful) ones 2 to 4kt climbs were to be had. The strong N.E. wind stopped the climbs as we were careful not to get too far downwind. We stopped for lunch and soon after we restarted we had the only snow shower of the day. It only lasted for 10mins or so, it was not a problem.
As predicted the wind started to die away during the afternoon and what wind there was backed to the North which reduced our launch height by around 300′. It was cold in the morning but was quite pleasant as the wind decreased. The flying was much better in the stronger wind of the morning. We finally put the toys away at 4pm.
Total Launches…………….14.
Longest Flight………………20mins, Very well done to Tony M. it could easily have been much longer but he elected to put the airbrakes out at 2000′ and come down to give the others a go.
Second Longest…………..12mins, A really good effort by John H. Second flight of the day, very turbulent but he managed to get away and climb 500′ to 1800′. The climb was cut short because of drifting off downwind
Total flying Time…………….1hr. 40min.
Average Flight Time………..7min.
A really good day and well worth the effort. We took a bit of a chance with the weather but our luck was in. Lets hope Thursday is as good. It is looking good at the moment with some good thermals until the afternoon when the warm front will start to make it’s presence felt. It should stay dry all day and the wind should be back in the West. Lets make the best of Thursday because Saturday is looking very iffy.
See you soon, Steve P.