Today we managed to fly 33 more launches than on Saturday!
The field was very wet with little if any drying overnight so we had to go out and actively hunt the solid bits. The winch was set up on the southwest stub and we put the launchpoint in front of the main hangar.
The tow-out took the new ‘Z’ route along the cross runway and hugged the field edge back to the launchpoint.
The aircraft canopies took a fair while to stop misting (on the outside) which gave us plenty of time to get K8 G-CJHK and K8 former JXS ready to go on trailers to their new home at East Sussex Gliding Club.
Launch heights were good, 1,600ft was common and the cloud-base behaved for us.
Flight times were generally short but good training was done. Adrian F managed to squeak out 15 minutes and a 300ft climb on a street which was gone almost as soon as it appeared.
With careful planning, retrieves caused no problems and the field condition was not worsened.
Spot landings within a tracks width of the perimeter track on 190′ were order of the day and everybody achieved this admirably except for our Scottish visitor who had to show off his parallel parking technique. We duly kicked in his minor rut.
Ultimately, we kept flying until the canopies again began misting and the Sun escaped over the horizon.